My Raving Page

The reason for this page: I am angry. And I intend to bitch about it and You can't stop me. Hah.I'd like to see you try.Lorraine probably already knows all these things because she had to listen to me bitch about them today.

*Dance from The Brooke Green Suite. That song pisses me off even more than the song from the baha men. Screw it. The stupid teacher made us play this damn song for 45 minutes today. I did not want to play it.
*Mick-Mick (My violin) was not in tune today.I did not appreciate it, after Lorraine and I tried for about 20 minutes to tune it at least near good intonation. And my damned E string is getting frayed. Damn.
*My sister downloading the BaHA men song-I couldn't delete it because 'It's not your computer'It's not even real music.I can't stand it.How could she listen to it?
*Preppies-I hate all of you. I don't care what you think of me-You'd be shocked to learn what I think of you. The things I think of you would probably get me arrested if I said them out loud.
*I wish I could leave this 'two-story town'..I'm stuck here until I get money for plane tickets.I want to go to England or Ireland or Japan or Italy. Any where that isn't here. I wish that I could leave and never come back. Damn my parents for choosing this damn town to live in.
My mouse escaped-I wish I had never caught the damn thing.
I hate people-There are very few people I can have a decent conversation with these days. I have a lot of 'fair weather' friends these days. I hate some of my teachers for doing the stupid group thing. I like working alone. Why can't it be a choice?
Censorship-Why does the government decide what I should hear and see? I think Ii can decide what I'm mature enough to see. That's just like censoring 1984, Brave New Worlds, and Animal Farm. Why does the government have to censor opinion pages? Sometmes you can't express words but in swears. Why do people get angry when you swear? I mean, it's not like you're insulting anybody. I know 'Fuck Jimmy'is bad. But why can't you give out a few damns and hells every once in a while?
When you constantly get blamed for things even though you didn't do them. I am constantly blamed for everything that goes wrong.
